How Malaysia Offer Best Customer Experience Using Digital Platform?


The continual growth of internet accessibility made b2b buyers turn to e-commerce channels. It has put steady pressure on b2b sellers. There came an emergence of growth in b2b marketplaces everywhere. Malaysia best sourcing marketplace has brought the latest b2b e-commerce technology to make things faster and quicker.

Importance of Listing on Online directory

During the time of Yellow Pages, we remember how it was essential to get listed. It helped people to find your products and services. The online business directory offers similar exposure to companies online. Modern Malaysia business directory contains information about companies online. Let’s find out why the listing of business is vital.

  • Increase brand visibility- when a business profile is created in a directory site, it will increase its brand visibility. The profile must have as much information as possible. In addition to that, when a company offers continuous satisfaction to customers, it gains more positive reviews from customers.
  • SEO boosting- Search engine optimization confirms the high ranking of a website. The companies use specific keywords based on their niche. When a company includes information with the right keyword, search engines get an insight in to that website. Listing is one of the best ways to generate more traffic.
  • Trust and Credibility- by listing business in a directory, business owners can generate trust factors for their customers. It allows the site to be searched on the web. It made Malaysia best sourcing marketplace in the world.
  • Improved reputation of business- top business directories allow customers to leave a review about their experience with a product and service. It helps in improving business reputation. If a company keeps good communication throughout the purchasing process, more positive reviews can be expected.

Providing B2C Excellence as B2B vendors

B2b buyers also compare their experience as consumers in personal life to professional lives. When b2b buyer experiences seamless experience in buying a product from a particular company. The buyers would like to repeat that experience in the future. The customer experience of buyer business is as essential as customer experience in consumer purchases.

In the b2b marketplace in Malaysia, b2b companies model their business after best b2c companies. The b2b companies model their systems, customer interactions, and processes after b2c companies. It refers to having a mobile-ready platform, improving technology to give the best experience to the buyer businesses.

Enhancing Sale Process Using Digital Face

Digital access has given more power to buyers than sellers. Buyers do not need to go to company sources and sales reps to get information. Instead, they can now research services, pricing, vendors, and add-ons online. Customers use blog posts, company websites, and videos to get the information.

Recent data showed that the majority of the buying activities get finished without involving the sales rep. In the b2b marketplace in Malaysia, buyers perform their investigative work before seeking information from the company. Here are some methods to enhance the sales process in the digital market.

  • Putting the best digital face- a b2b vendor must be 100 percent sure about their contents. They should offer quality content for the audience about their products, services, market leadership, and customers. They may include trends that can put a long-term impact.
  • Integration of sales and marketing- in this digital age, sellers should provide a constant message to their buyers. During the time of discovery, marketing has more responsibility for nurturing prospects. Throughout the entire process, marketing and sales need to be integrated and be seamless to their buyers.
  • Having a multi-channel presence- Buyers look for information using various channels. In Malaysia best sourcing marketplace, companies have a presence in several channels, including social media, webinars, online videos, and blog posts. It helps them achieve faster revenue.


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